MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

#TURKMAW2024 KEPAN Society Meetings on Malnutrition Awareness

#TURKMAW2024 KEPAN Society Meetings on Malnutrition Awareness

As part of Malnutrition Awareness Week 2024, the KEPAN (Clinical Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition) Society will host a series of Meetings on Malnutrition Awareness from November 4th to 8th in various cities across Turkey. These meetings aim to educate patient groups and their families about malnutrition, its risks, and ways to prevent and manage it.

Bringing Malnutrition Awareness to Local Communities

These awareness meetings are designed to provide accessible and practical information to patients from different backgrounds, helping them understand the importance of good nutrition and how it affects their health. The meetings will be held in various cities, ensuring that communities across Turkey have the opportunity to engage with nutrition experts and learn more about how to address malnutrition in their everyday lives.

Key topics will include:

  • Understanding Malnutrition: What it is, the signs and symptoms, and how it can affect overall health.
  • The Importance of a Balanced Diet: Tips and advice on maintaining proper nutrition and avoiding deficiencies.
  • Managing Malnutrition in Chronic Illnesses: How nutrition can play a role in managing conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
  • Preventing Malnutrition in Vulnerable Groups: Special focus on children, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses who are most at risk.
  • How to Access Nutritional Support: Information on local resources and support services available for patients.

These sessions will be led by healthcare professionals and experts from the KEPAN Society, providing participants with reliable advice, practical tools, and resources to take control of their nutritional health.

Why These Meetings Are Important

Raising awareness about malnutrition at the community level is crucial for prevention and early intervention. By directly engaging with patient groups, these meetings will help individuals and families better understand how they can maintain good nutrition and avoid the long-term effects of malnutrition.

These meetings also offer a space for patients to ask questions, share their experiences, and connect with support networks in their local areas.

Join us from November 4th to 8th as the KEPAN Society travels across Turkey to promote malnutrition awareness, empower patients, and build healthier communities.