ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU


A broad platform of competencies and forces of Belgian partners

Monitor our progress through our annual national dashboards


Sylvie Farine Contact Person Belgium, Belgium Alliance ONCA Networking Manager, H.U.B. (Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles)

Contact Sylvie for inquiries on Belgium campaign activities and for publishing of your Good Practice on this website.

  • André Van Gossum

    Belgian Alliance ONCA Coordinator
    SBNC (Société Belge de Nutrition Clinique)
  • Laurence Doughan

    Service Public Fédéral Santé Publique
    Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid
  • Bart Geurden

    KDG, Center for Primary Food Care
    University of Antwerp
  • Caroline Petit

    beMedTech (Medical Technologies Belgium)
  • Fadoua Amaraoui

    Advisor Medical Consumables at beMedTech
  • Karolien Haese

    BHCT (Building Healthcare For Tomorrow)

Belgian Alliance ONCA

Following the participation of Belgium in the ENHA conference in Berlin (Nov 2015), the delegation that presented its nutritional dashboard, decided, with the support of the federal Public Authorities, to create a national platform to take part in the dynamics of the ONCA campaign at national and European levels.

Contacts were taken with representatives of healthcare professionals (physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, nurses, language therapists, paramedics, kitchen chefs and kitchen staff…), associations, organizations, teachers, foundations, institutions, … even with Public Authorities, insurance, patients, food and medical industry, catering and other services providers.

For many years, a lot of initiatives at various levels have been taken by Public Authorities, healthcare professionals, service providers and the industry to improve both the quality of food supply and nutritional care. But malnutrition remains a Belgian challenge in all care sectors: hospitals, rest and nursing homes, rehabilitation centres, care centres for the disabled and at home.

Our strength is to pool on a very broad platform of competencies and forces of Belgian partners to create a win-win situation with the exchange of information and experiments, to build the momentum, to reinforce current actions and develop new goals together.

First, key actions were identified and led to workgroups with moderators:

  • Awareness
  • Policies, Standards and quality indicators
  • Reimbursement/financing
  • Implementation of nutritional care in all healthcare sectors
  • Education

At the same time, we described together our global project in a “Position Paper” (scroll down to download) to be approved by all partners.

Two meetings/year are organised with systematic feedback from each workgroup. All projects or texts will be submitted to all partners for comments and approval before further steps are taken. We want to progress together, step by step, with scientific rigour.

Belgium Alliance ONCA is neutral, independent and freely welcomes all Belgian potential actors.

In 2023, BA ONCA counts 49 stakeholders!


Stakeholder overview

107.14 KB


Belgian ONCA Position Paper

114.05 KB
