The Turin ONCA Conference

A Nutritional Care Policy Summit - June 6 & 7 2024


Visit the report page

Optimal Nutritional Care for All

Launched in 2014, the Optimal Nutritional Care for All (ONCA) campaign is a multi-stakeholder initiative to facilitate greater screening for risk of disease-related malnutrition/undernutrition and nutritional care implementation across Europe.
The campaign supports national professional societies, associations and patient groups in public health and health care in 20 countries to implement nutritional risk screening and optimal nutritional care. The European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) provides structure, coordinates, inspires and facilitates.


Through the EU4Nutrition programme, ENHA and ONCA engage with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, to secure nutrition care in European Union’s policies, and programmes and in the recommendations to its Member States.

Malnutrition: from Awareness towards Control

Malnutrition and undernutrition affect over 30 Million European citizens and place an unacceptable burden on European citizens and health care budgets.

Integrating patient-centered nutritional care in health policies will significantly contribute to prevention, better patient outcomes, and improved quality of life. Moreover, ample scientific evidence shows that optimizing nutritional care is a very (cost-) effective measure.

Despite this overwhelming scientific evidence, malnutrition is often underdiagnosed and undertreated, causing unacceptable inequalities between people and countries.

Optimal nutritional care must be considered a human right and patients should have equitable, timely access to the nutritional care needed to achieve their best possible outcome. The overall aim of the conference was to provide tools and background to implement nutritional care plans for all citizens, whether at home or in a health care facility.

Day 1 of the ONCA Conference took place in the astonishing Teatro Regio, the Royal Theatre of Turin.

Day 2 took place in the beautiful conference rooms of the NH Centro Hotel.

The Conference Programme

The conference was proudly hosted by the Italian ONCA team, which includes the society for artificial nutrition and metabolism SINPE, the Italian patient organizations, the active scientific societies collaborating with SINPE in the interdisciplinary effort to combat malnutrition, representatives of the Ministry of Health, and many more.

This conference edition marked a significant step forward as we aspire to further transform the ONCA conference into an even more interactive ‘European nutritional care policy summit.’ While securing the patient’s perspective, we explored both national and European Union-level policies, bridging the gap between nutrition science and effective policies.

Please find the programme for days 1 and 2 below and please find the reporting page HERE.

Day 1
Day 2


9.00 – 10.30
Pre-conference Patient-session
10:00 - 10:45
Registrations and Coffee
11.00 - 11.30
Antonella Lezo
President of SINPE, Italian Society for Clinical Nutrition
Olle Ljungqvist
Chair of the European Nutrition for Health Alliance
Jacopo Rosatelli
Councillor for Welfare, Rights and Equal Opportunities of the City of Turin
Franco Ripa
Deputy Director of the Regional Health Department
11:30 - 13:00 Session 1
Setting the scene: Implementing Nutritional Care for Optimal Health
Andrea Pezzana
Coordinator Piedmont Clinical Nutrition network
Empowering Health Through Nutritional Care: A Patient-Centric Journey of Progress
Laura del Campo (Virtually)
Federazione italiana delle Associazioni di Volontariato in Oncologia (FAVO)
Getting Grip on Nutritional Care at a National Level
Ugo Della Marta
Directorate for Hygiene, Food Safety, and Nutrition (DGISAN) of the Italian Ministry of Health
Global Insights into Disease-Related Malnutrition: Understanding the Worldwide Impact
Francesco Branca (Virtually)
Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, World Health Organisation
12:45 - 13:00
Interactive Panel Discussion
13:00 - 14:00
Optimal Lunch for All
14:00 - 15:15 Session 2
Collaborative Initiatives and Declarations: Strengthening Partnerships in WHO Europe
Annemieke van Ginkel-Res
President of the European Federation the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD)
Rocco Barazzoni
President of the European society for clinical nutrition and metabolsm (ESPEN)
Fostering Patient Advocacy: Catalysts for Advancing Nutritional Care Policies in the European Union
Tunde Koltai
Representative European Patients’ Forum (EPF)
Uniting IF patients' voices - Are we ready to accept the challenge?
Sergio Settanni
Un Filo per la Vita
Marek Lichota
Appetite for Life
15:00 - 15:15
Interactive Panel Session
15:30 - 16:15
Coffee Break & Group Photo
16:15 - 17:30 Session 3
Celebrating Triumphs: Acknowledging the Impact of Community Dietitians in Italy
Ersilia Troiano
Italian National Dietitians Association
Navigating Nutritional Policies in the UK: Valuable Lessons from Intestinal Failure Strategies
Simon Lal
Professor of Gastroenterology
Aligning Health: Nutritional Care Strategies in Pursuit of CVD Policy Objectives
Roberto Volpe
European Heart Network
Exploring Examples and Challenges in Nutritional Care Continuity
Alessandra Taraschi
General Medical Council, Province of Turin
17:15 - 17:30
Interactive Panel Session
17:45 - 18:45
Drinks at Palazzo Reale
19:00 - 20:00
Leisure Activity
Optimal Dinner at Esperia


07:00 - 07:50
Turin Sunrise run and Tai Chi
08:45 - 10:00
Plenary Session
Antonella Lezo
Annemieke van Ginkel-Res
The Italian Plan of attack for 2024 – Italian Societies Campaigning
Francesco Dentali
Federation of the Associations of Hospital Internists - FADOI
Paolo Pedrazzoli
Italian Society of Medical Oncology - AIOM
Gianluca Isaia
Italian Geriatric Society – SIGG
Barbara Paolini
Italian Association of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition - ADI
Claudio Romano
Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition – SIGENP
Ersilia Troiano
Technical Scientific Association of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics of Italian Dietitians - ASAND
ONCA Pre-conference Patient Session Recap and Actions
10:00 - 11:15
Interactive Break-out Workshops Round #1
  1. Empowering Health through Knowledge: Implementing Successful Nutrition Education
    Moderators: Cristina Cuerda and Maurizio Muscaritoli
  2. Enabling Patient Engagement: The Essential Driver for Advancing Nutritional Policies
    Robert Greene
  3. Metrics that matter: Transforming Nutritional Care Policies through Data-Driven Paradigm Shifts
    Moderators: Alessandro Laviano and Mark Nuijten
11:15 - 11:45
Coffee Break
11:45 -13:00
Interactive Break-out Workshops Round #2
  1. Economic Foundations: Steering Nutritional Care Policies Towards Health
    Moderators: Emanuele Cereda and Henrik Højgaard
  2. Optimizing Malnutrition Awareness Week: Fostering Good Practices for Collective Success
    Moderators: Konstantina Togka, Silvia Tarantino, Mariana Kalliostra
  3. Intestinal Failure and Nutrition: Unmet Needs that Resonate with Policymakers
    Moderators: Stéphane Schneider and Marek Lichota
13:00 - 13:30
Plenary Round-up
Malnutrition in the European Healthcare Policies – Our Moonshot
Michela Zanetti
University Hospital of Trieste, Italy
Closing & Farewell
13:30 - 14:00
Light Lunch