MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

#ESPENMAW2024 Social Media Campaign

#ESPENMAW2024 Social Media Campaign

Join the #ESPENMAW24 Social Media Campaign

As we gear up for Malnutrition Awareness Week 2024 (MAW), ESPEN invites you to actively participate in our #ESPENMAW24 social media campaign. This campaign aims to spread awareness about malnutrition and its prevention, and we need your help to make it a success!

How You Can Contribute

We encourage everyone to share and disseminate the #ESPENMAW24 campaign on your preferred social media platforms. By doing so, you’ll be part of a global effort to educate others on the critical issue of malnutrition.

Available in Spanish

To make the campaign more accessible, the #ESPENMAW24 campaign materials are also available in Spanish, so you can choose the language that best reaches your audience. Let’s make sure the message of malnutrition awareness resonates in as many communities as possible.

How to Participate:

  1. Download the campaign materials from the MAW resource hub.
  2. Share posts on your social media platforms using the hashtag #ESPENMAW24.
  3. Engage your community in conversations about malnutrition and prevention efforts.

Help us raise awareness by spreading the word online! Together, we can make Malnutrition Awareness Week 2024 a powerful global movement.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and resources as we approach MAW 2024.