MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

#GRMAW2024 ESPEN Factsheets and Renal Nutrition Webinar

#GRMAW2024 ESPEN Factsheets and Renal Nutrition Webinar

ESPEN Factsheets and Renal Nutrition Webinar

Date: October 8th, 2024 | Hosted by the Hellenic Dietetic Association

As part of Malnutrition Awareness Week in Greece, the Hellenic Dietetic Association (HDA) is taking active steps to raise awareness about malnutrition, especially in high-risk populations like renal patients. This year, we are excited to distribute ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) factsheets and share details about the upcoming webinar, “Optimizing Nutrition in Renal Patients”, to be held on October 8th, 2024.

What to Expect:
1. ESPEN Factsheets
We will be sharing valuable factsheets from ESPEN on our social media platforms, providing healthcare professionals and the public with evidence-based information on:

  • The importance of nutritional care in preventing and managing malnutrition.
  • How nutrition impacts chronic diseases like kidney failure, and the role it plays in improving patient outcomes.
  • Practical dietary recommendations for healthcare providers and caregivers to help prevent malnutrition, particularly in older adults and those with chronic conditions.
  • These factsheets are designed to be a quick reference guide to understanding and addressing malnutrition, making them accessible to healthcare professionals and the general public alike.

2. Webinar: “Optimizing Nutrition in Renal Patients”
In addition to the factsheets, the HDA will be promoting the ESPENMAW Webinar titled “Optimizing Nutrition in Renal Patients”, scheduled for October 8th, 2024. This webinar will focus on the latest strategies for managing nutrition in patients with renal conditions, a population particularly vulnerable to malnutrition.

Who should attend?

  • Dietitians, nephrologists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals involved in patient care.
  • Anyone interested in learning more about how nutrition affects renal health and how malnutrition can be managed effectively in this group.

Key Topics:

  • Nutritional challenges faced by patients with kidney disease.
  • Strategies for optimizing nutrient intake and preventing malnutrition.
  • The role of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) and other dietary interventions.

How to Get Involved:

  • Follow us on Social Media: We’ll be sharing ESPEN factsheets and the registration link for the webinar on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Keep an eye on our posts to stay informed and participate.
  • Share the Information: Help us spread the word by sharing the factsheets and webinar details with your colleagues and networks to increase awareness of malnutrition and its impact on patient care.

Why This Matters:

Malnutrition is a common, yet often overlooked issue, especially in patients with chronic conditions like kidney disease. By promoting these resources during Malnutrition Awareness Week, we aim to equip healthcare professionals and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to better recognize, prevent, and manage malnutrition in their patients.