MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

#GRMAW2024 Facebook Live: Malnutrition and Cancer Care

#GRMAW2024 Facebook Live: Malnutrition and Cancer Care

Join Us on Facebook Live: Malnutrition and Cancer Care

In Collaboration with Cancer Patient Association | November 11-15, 2024

Malnutrition is a serious concern for many cancer patients, affecting their treatment outcomes, recovery, and overall quality of life. This November, during Malnutrition Awareness Week, we’re hosting a special Facebook Live event in collaboration with Cancer Patient Association to discuss the importance of nutrition in cancer care and how it impacts patients’ journeys.

Event Details:

  • Dates: November 11-15, 2024
  • Time: ΤΒΑ
  • Platform: Facebook Live

Why You Should Join:

  • Expert Insights: Hear from leading oncologists, dietitians, and nutritionists who specialize in cancer care. They’ll discuss how nutrition plays a vital role in improving treatment responses, reducing side effects, and enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients.
  • Patient Stories: Listen to inspiring stories from cancer patients and survivors about their personal experiences with malnutrition during treatment and how proper nutritional support made a difference.
  • Live Q&A: Get your questions answered! Our experts will be available live to respond to your concerns about nutrition during cancer treatment, dietary adjustments, and more.

Topics Covered:

  • The Link Between Cancer and Malnutrition: Why cancer patients are at higher risk for malnutrition and how it impacts their treatment outcomes.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Malnutrition: Learn how to spot the early warning signs in yourself or loved ones undergoing cancer treatment.
  • Nutrition Strategies for Cancer Patients: Practical tips on how to support nutritional needs, including advice on oral nutritional supplements (ONS), high-protein diets, and more.
  • Supporting Your Loved Ones: Advice for caregivers and family members on how to help cancer patients manage their nutrition throughout their treatment journey.

How to Participate:

  • Mark Your Calendar: Save the dates (November 11-15, 2024) and set a reminder to join our Facebook Live sessions.
  • Join the Conversation: Tune in to our live broadcast, ask your questions, and engage with healthcare professionals and patient advocates.
  • Share the Event: Help us raise awareness by sharing the event with your network. Use the hashtag #MAW2024 on social media.

Why This Event Matters

Cancer patients often struggle with malnutrition due to the effects of their illness and treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. Addressing this issue is crucial for improving their recovery, strength, and ability to cope with treatments. By joining this Facebook Live, you’ll gain valuable knowledge to help manage nutrition for yourself or someone you care for.