MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

#GRMAW2024 Nutrition Day

#GRMAW2024 Nutrition Day

Hellenic Dietetic Association Calls for Active Participation in NutritionDay Worldwide

November 14th, 2024 | Together for Better Nutritional Care

The Hellenic Dietetic Association proudly supports NutritionDay Worldwide 2024, a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about the importance of nutrition in healthcare settings. This November, we invite all dietitians working in public hospitals across Greece to take part in this impactful event and contribute to improving nutritional care for patients.

Why NutritionDay Matters

NutritionDay Worldwide is an annual, international project dedicated to assessing and enhancing nutritional care in hospitals and healthcare facilities. By participating, healthcare professionals can gather valuable data on patients’ nutritional status, highlight the prevalence of malnutrition, and advocate for better nutritional practices within their institutions.

Malnutrition remains an often overlooked factor in patient recovery and overall well-being. Through your participation, you will:

  • Raise awareness of the role nutrition plays in healthcare.
  • Improve patient outcomes by addressing malnutrition and promoting better dietary practices.
  • Contribute to global research that helps shape the future of clinical nutrition care.

How Dietitians Can Get Involved

We encourage all dietitians working in public hospitals to lead the charge by actively participating in NutritionDay on November 14th. Here’s how you can make an impact:

  • Coordinate with Hospital Teams: Organize nutrition screenings and assessments to gather essential data on patient nutrition and share best practices with healthcare colleagues.
  • Raise Awareness Among Staff: Educate doctors, nurses, and support staff on the importance of proper nutrition in patient care and recovery.
  • Engage Patients and Families: Provide guidance to patients and their families on how to improve dietary habits during hospital stays and after discharge.
  • Submit Data for Global Insights: Contribute valuable data to the international database, helping to shape future nutritional guidelines and practices.

The Role of the Hellenic Dietetic Association

As your professional organization, the Hellenic Dietetic Association will:

  • Provide you with resources and guidance on how to organize and execute NutritionDay activities within your hospital.
  • Offer support in completing patient nutritional assessments, reporting data, and implementing best practices.
  • Create a network of participating dietitians to share ideas, experiences, and results across public hospitals in Greece.

Make a Difference – Together

By participating in NutritionDay Worldwide, you will not only contribute to better nutrition care within your hospital but also join a global effort to address malnutrition and promote health through proper nutrition. Your involvement can help put Greece at the forefront of international efforts to improve patient care through nutrition.

Get Ready for NutritionDay 2024!
Date: November 14th, 2024
Location: Public Hospitals Across Greece

How to Participate:

Visit the Hellenic Dietetic Association website for detailed instructions on how to get involved and access all necessary resources.

Together, we can make a significant impact on patient care and help reduce the burden of malnutrition in our hospitals.

Let’s ensure that nutrition takes its rightful place at the heart of healthcare in Greece.