ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU



In 2023, Malnutrition Awareness Week in the Czech Republic will take place from the 6th to the 12th of November.

The campaign is organized by the Alliance for Nutritional Care (APNP).

As part of the campaign, the website RizikaMalnutrice.cz is enriched with information for patients, and the Alliance will introduce a new section for experts. Here, doctors and nurses will find comprehensive information about malnutrition, diagnostic tools, and possible solutions, including contacts for nutritional therapists and nutritional clinics. A series of educational videos was created as part of the campaign. Interviews in the media and an extensive information campaign in Czech hospitals are planned, as well as the appearance of APNP members on Czech Radio, a conference for General Practitioners, and of course the celebration of Nutrition Day, on the 9th of November.

For more information, stay tuned on the MAW Webpage, on the RizikaMalnutrice.cz designated MAW page & the Rizika Malnutrice Facebook Page


Informational campaign

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