ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

#DEMAW2023 Culinary medicine

#DEMAW2023 Culinary medicine

The ONCA Team in Germany in cooperation with Culinary Medicine e.V. will be organizing a cooking webinar on the 8th of November, as part of their MAW 2023 activities.

During the workshop, doctors and nutritionists will present culinary tips and tricks to combat malnutrition. Patients, their relatives or caretakers and anyone interested can cook along the presented recipes live at home and ask questions during the webinar.

The recipes will be posted in good time before the event at www.lacknutrition-bekampfen.de for download. You can also download them here:


Culinary Medicine

18.21 MB


Tip: Hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, nursing facilities, etc. can watch the cooking webinar in their training room as a live broadcast offer.

Please use the following link to watch the webinar.