ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

#DKMAW2023 Local activities: Nykøbing F. Hospital

#DKMAW2023 Local activities: Nykøbing F. Hospital

Activities program: Nykøbing F. Hospital

Overview of the activities:

– Morning training for doctors on the evidence behind “Proper nutrition is beneficial”, indications for
nutritional interventions and documentation of the good nutrition plan
– DropIN – knowledge sessions on Nutritional Nursing
– Eat & Ask: The SP team teaches documentation of nutrition in the Health Platform in the bed sections
– Nutrition audit: The hospital departments collaborate with Absalon College of Applied Sciences to carry
out nutrition audits
– Interdisciplinary workshop for students
– FRIDAY BAR on the bed sections: what goes into a good Nutrition cocktail? – flavors/ proteins/ hot/ cold/shaken/ stirred/ long/ short/ red/ blue/ on the rocks.


Download the full program

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