ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

#SPMAW2023 Malnutrition in Spain and Europe: making visible the invisible

#SPMAW2023 Malnutrition in Spain and Europe: making visible the invisible

Malnutrition in Spain and Europe: making visible the invisible

On November 27, the Alianza Masnutridos is hosting a policy workshop at the European Parliament Offices in Madrid, that aims to raise greater recognition and awareness of the importance of disease-related malnutrition (DRM) among patients, health professionals, politicians and public health administration.

The primary objective of the event is to highlight the impact of disease-related malnutrition and to advocate for stronger policies and initiatives at both the national and European levels. The active involvement of members of the European Parliament and national political representatives, in the agenda of the day, makes the event particularly significant. With Spain’s current presidency in the European Parliament, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to catalyze meaningful change and stimulate collaboration across the European Union.

By combining the forces of advocacy, political leadership, and media visibility, the event seeks to make a lasting impact in the fight against malnutrition, not only within Spain but also on the European stage.

Day 1

Day 1 Malnutrition in Spain and Europe: making visible the invisible

Welcome and Introduction
Juergen Foecking
Deputy Head at the European Parliament's Office in Spain
Dr. Miguel León Sanz
MásNutritidos Alliance President
D. Olle Ljungqvist
ENHA/ONCA President
Why is it necessary to make DRM visible?
Dr. Julia Alvarez
Governing Board Alianza Másnutritidos and Head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital (Madrid)
European vision of the DRM management
Dr Cristina Cuerda
Moderator, ESPEN Secretary General
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos
Dr. Olle Ljungqvist
ENHA/ONCA President
Dr. Rocco Barazzoni
Trieste University Hospital
Margarita de la Pisa
Member of European Parliament, Group of European Reformists and Conservatives
Status and needs of DRM management in Spain
Dr. Rosa Burgos
Moderator, Endocrinology Vall d'Hebron Hospital, member of the Governing Board of the Másnutridos Alliance
Ms. Marta Marbán de Frutos
Popular Parliamentary Group of the Madrid Assembly
Dr. Pablo Pérez
Specialist in Internal Medicine, Reina Sofía University Hospital
Dr. Pablo Suárez
Endocrinology Nuestra Señora, Candelaria University Hospital
D Manuel Arellano
Spanish Patients' Platform
Dr. Miguel León
MásNutritidos Alliance President
Mª Teresa García
Abbott Foundation Director