MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

The Copenhagen ONCA Conference

May 16 & 17 2022

The Copenhagen ONCA Conference

May 2022, Denmark hosted the international ONCA conference “Creating Equality in Nutritional Care”.
Renowned experts in nutritional care, patient organisations, and policymakers met in Copenhagen to address inequalities in nutritional care, identify and tackle barriers and share achievements and good practices on the implementation of optimal nutritional care in policy and practice.



Optimal Nutritional Care for All

Launched in 2014, the Optimal Nutritional Care for All (ONCA) campaign is a multi-stakeholder initiative to facilitate greater screening for risk of disease-related malnutrition/undernutrition and nutritional care implementation across Europe.
The campaign supports national professional societies, associations and patient groups in public health and health care in 19 countries to implement nutritional risk screening and optimal nutritional care. The European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) provides structure, coordinates, inspires and facilitates.

Creating equality in nutritional care

Malnutrition and undernutrition affect over 30 Million European citizens and place an unacceptable burden on European citizens and health care budgets.

Integrating patient-centred nutritional care in health policies will significantly contribute to prevention, better patient outcomes and improved quality of life. Moreover, ample scientific evidence shows that optimising nutritional care is a very (cost-) effective measure.

Despite this overwhelming scientific evidence, malnutrition is often underdiagnosed and under-treated, causing unacceptable inequalities between people and countries.

Optimal nutritional care must be considered a human right and patients should have equitable, timely access to the nutritional care needed to achieve their best possible outcome.


The Conference Programme

Please find the programme for days 1 and 2 below or download [PDF]




Day 1
Day 2

Day 1 Creating Equality in Nutritional Care

09.00 - 10.30
Pre-conference patient session

Tivoli Hotel Conference Centre

10.30 - 11.00
Registration & coffee

Børsen Copenhagen

11.00 - 11.10
Welcome and agenda conference chairs
Olle Ljungqvist
Chairman European Nutrition for Health Alliance
Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen
ONCA Denmark
11.10 - 11.25
Health for all: Equity in Nutritional Care
Niels Sandø-Pedersen
Director of Health Promotion and Inequality, Danish Health Authority
11.25 - 12.30
Patients, Policy and Practice

Inequality in nutritional care in practice: Real-life experiences from a COPD patient
Caroline Hedsund, Board member, Danish Lung Association

Begin with the end in mind: Relevant data and end-points for Good Nutritional Practice
Mette Holst, ONCA Denmark, Danish Nutrition Science Centre

New Danish guidelines for disease related malnutrition care including the entire patient journey
Tatjana Hejgaard, Senior Advisor, Danish Health Authority

Equal access to nutritional care and treatment for all and how is this achieved within the Danish health care system.
Camilla Hersom, Deputy Director of Danish Regions, Head of the department of Health and Social Policy

12.30 - 13.05
Expert Panel Session: Joining forces at European level

Moderator: Olle Ljungqvist, Chair of the European Nutrition for Health Alliance


Pernille Weiss
Member of European Parliament and Chair of the Parliamentary Interest Group on Obesity and Resilient Health Systems
Kaisa Immonen
Director of Policy, European Patient’s Forum, EPF
Rocco Barazzoni
President European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, ESPEN
Annemieke van Ginkel
President, European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians, EFAD
13.00 - 14.00
Optimal networking lunch for all
14.00 - 14.15
In safe hands: Optimal safety through nutritional care
Vibeke Rischel
Deputy CEO, Danish Society for Patient Safety
14.15 - 15.15
International Good Practice Updates

Nutrition in the transition between hospital and community
Tina Munk, Denmark

Nutrition Education in Medical Schools (NEMS)
Cristina Cuerda, Spain

Value and recognition of diagnosing and prescribing nutrition
Tommy Cederholm, Sweden

Organising multidisciplinary nutritional care after COVID
Anne Slotegraaf, The Netherlands

15.15 - 15.45
Networking, refreshing break and group photo
15.45 - 16.30
Campaigning for equality in nutritional care – to all, from all, overall

Nutritional care is a Human Right
Diana Cardenas-Braz, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad El Bosque, Colombia

EU4Nutrition & The European Health Union
Joost Wesseling, Executive Director ENHA

#Ernæringnytter: Political & public awareness campaign
Anders Kroman Liin, FMF

Day 2 Campaigning for Optimal Nutritional Care for All

09.00 - 09.10
Welcome by the Conference chairs
Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen
ONCA Denmark
Annemieke van Ginkel
ENHA Board member
09.10 - 09.25
Report from the pre-conference patient session
Cees Smit
Patient & Nutrition
09.25 - 09.40
Update ONCA strategy & action plan 2022
Joost Wesseling
Executive Director ENHA
09.40 - 10.50
ONCA Policy Academy: Shaping your local policy agenda (Interactive break out workshops)

Shaping your local policy agenda:
1. Impactful Malnutrition Awareness Weeks & policy seminars
2. The power of patient involvement in your campaign
3. Using health data to create awareness
4. Nutrition in medical education

10.50 - 11.15
Networking refreshing break
11.15 - 11.35
Report back from the break out session
Break out Chairs
11.35 - 12.45
The added value of optimal nutritional care

Moderator: Olle Ljunqvist

The added value of systematically including nutrition in cancer treatment
Alessandro Laviano, Italy

Malnutrition: effective strategies to treat it effectively
Nicole Erickson, Germany

Value of nutritional therapy in health economics
Mark Nuijten, The Netherlands

Interactive panel & audience discussion

12.45 - 13.00
Wrap up by the chairs
Lunch and good bye