ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU
On the Danish Health Authority’s platform “Better Meals for the Elderly” you will discover almost 100 case stories and examples from Danish municipalities regarding food, nutrition and meals for elderly citizens.

The cases include a wide range of initiatives developed and implemented by different municipalities to improve their approaches to nutrition and meals for the elderly in nursing homes and home care settings.

The cases cover themes like Nutrition, Food Quality, Organization, Mealtime Settings, Special Diets, and Strategic Development. The different cases and included materials represent successful examples to motivate and inspire others to actively engage in improving food, nutrition, and mealtime experiences for the elderly.

Mette Holst Main contact Denmark

Head of Clinical Nutrition Research, Aalborg University Hospital, editor for this homepage and spokesperson for the collaboration between DSKE, ONCA-Denmark and ONCA.

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