ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

EU4Nutrition Strategy Workshop 2023

On May 4th, 2023, EU4Nutrition successfully organised a Strategy Workshop in Brussels. The primary objective of the workshop was to convene various stakeholders and facilitate discussions on good practices, challenges, and opportunities related to nutrition care. The ultimate goal was to formulate initial recommendations for a strategy that could be possibly adopted by the European Union. This strategy aims to inform key stakeholders, raise awareness, and expedite the implementation of optimal nutrition care for patients across the region.

The workshop proved to be highly fruitful, as it effectively captured the key insights and recommendations generated during the discussions. These outcomes will serve as a solid foundation for concrete and meaningful future actions. The success of the workshop ensures progress toward improving nutrition care and healthcare outcomes for patients in the European Union.

The workshop report will be soon available.

The EU4Nutrition initiative

The joint EU4Nutrition initiative aims to translate nutritional care science into EU policies and programmes. It is supported by the Optimal Nutritional Care for All campaign,
implemented in 19 countries. This first strategy development workshop was a collaborative effort so that the final strategy reflects the collective input and perspectives of all relevant
stakeholders and aims to create synergy, aligning goals, strategies, and tactics to maximize impact and avoid duplication of efforts.