ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

The first edition of “Portuguese Malnutrition Awareness Week” will take place 14th-20th October and it’s a pioneer initiative integrated at ONCA campaign activities in Portugal. We’ve been joining efforts within ONCA campaign to promote an effective way to diagnose and treat disease-related malnutrition in Portugal.

APNEP is holding this initiative for the first time, in synchronicity with UK Malnutrition Awareness Week, run by BAPEN.

The main objective is to raise disease-related malnutrition awareness within health care professionals, patients and caregivers & educate them for early identification and treatment of malnutrition and to discuss their nutritional status with HCP.

There is a dedicated website for this initiative where everyone can download the official materials for Portuguese Malnutrition Awareness Week divulgation. This is an online campaign and the official hashtag is #malnutricaozero.

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Download the campaign poster

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