ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

Continuous education of students and HCPs

LLL course_Marija Bistrica, Croatia

Through education of students, health care professionals, patients and the general public we can raise awareness on the importance of optimal care for each patients. In order to do so it is key to organize continuously symposiums, conferences, congresses, LLL courses and other types of lectures and workshops which has been continuously done in Croatia.

The Croatian Society of Clinical Nutrition Croatian Medical Association has continuously been educating students and HCPs through symposiums, conferences, congresses, LLL courses and other types of lectures and workshops during the years. In addition, Croatia has developed and implemented a Clinical Nutrition module for postgraduate students as part of the School of Medicine in Zagreb. Furthermore, CSPEN supports various student congresses in Croatia that also emphasize the importance of nutrition support in patient care. All of the aforementioned is of great significance because through education we can raise awareness on the importance of optimal care for each patient and emphasize best practices that should be used in order to do so.

Through continuous education we have enabled:

  • Identification of malnutrition due to use of adequate screening tools
  • Better understanding of disease related malnutrition and needed interventions/nutrition support therapy
  • Prevention of disease related malnutrition
  • Up-to-date treatments and guidelines
  • Raising awareness on the problem of malnutrition and importance of adequate nutrition in patients.


Croatia has been part of Nutrition Day since 2005. Also, Croatia has developed and issued the following guidelines since 2011:

  • Croatian guidelines for nutrition in the elderly, part I.
  • Croatian guidelines for nutrition in the elderly, part II.
  • Croatian guidelines for use of enteral nutrition in Crohn’s disease
  • Croatian guidelines for the management of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
  • Croatian guidelines for perioperative enteral nutrition of surgical patients
  • Croatian guidelines for the pharmacotherapy od type 2 diabetes
  • Guidelines for the prevention, detection and therapy of vitamin D deficiency in adults
  • Guidelines for early detection, diagnostics and therapy of neurogenic oropharingeal dysphagia


In 2016. CSPEN has organized/participated in eight congresses, 13 symposiums and two congress in Croatia and four international congresses. One LLL course was organized. Furthermore, CSPEN participated in five workshops/meetings. There have been 10 publications of scientific papers cited in „Current Contents“ or „Science Citation Index“, 2 in Croatian journals – „Liječnički vjesnik“  and „Acta Stomatologica Croatica“. In addition, one book and five book chapters were published in 2016.

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