Creation of másnutridos Alliance
In 2011 the Spanish Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) and Abbott Foundation started a Project to raise awareness among the policymakers and administrators on the problem of DRM and build an action plan to tackle DRM in Spain. This led to the creation of the másnutridos Project in 2012.
The Project was inspired in the Dutch model and included the following key points:
- Education and training of health care profesionals in the problem of DRM and the methods to detect and treat it
- Nutritional screening across all the NHS and evaluation of DRM
- Protocols of nutritional treatment in hospitals, nursing homes and primary care centres
- Monitoring plan of care and nutritional treatments
- Adequate codification of DRM to make the problem visible and obtain reimbursement in the hospitals
- Process of outcome evaluation in health, taking into account quality and costs
As Spain is divided in 17 regions that control their sanitary budget, in 2013 we created the másnutridos regional network to have a more direct access to the regional administrators.
In 2104, we joined the Optimal Nutrition for Health campaign and launched our webpage www.alianzamá
In 2015 we created the másnutridos Alliance that included more stakeholders, scientific societies, patients associations, and the Councils of Nursing and Pharmacists.
In 2015, the Ministry of Health created a working group to build a Framework Document for the Approach of DRM in the NHS. This group included many members of másnutridos Alliance.
Stakeholders of másnutridos Alliance
To help the health profesionals to develop action plans in their working place we have created, along these years, several notebooks with clear and practice information on this topic.
Notebook 0: Cost-effectiveness of the nutritional treatment in malnourished patients.
Notebook 1: Screening tools for hospitals, nursing homes and primary care
Notebook 2. Towards zero malnutrition in hospitals
Notebook 3. Towards zero malnutrition in Community
Currently we are working in two new notebooks, one for Pediatrics and another one for nursing homes.
Stakeholders of másnutridos Alliance
To help the health profesionals to develop action plans in their working place we have created, along these years, several notebooks with clear and practice information on this topic.
Notebook 0: Cost-effectiveness of the nutritional treatment in malnourished patients.
Notebook 1: Screening tools for hospitals, nursing homes and primary care
Notebook 2. Towards zero malnutrition in hospitals
Notebook 3. Towards zero malnutrition in Community
Currently we are working in two new notebooks, one for Pediatrics and another one for nursing homes.
To keep decision makers and all the members of the Alliance informed of our progress and best practices we developed e-newsletters that were quarterly distributed to more than 375 key stakeholders and másnutridos members. So far we have sent 16 newsletters that include articles about the project, interviews with key specialists, pilot projects results, advances in different regions and presence of másnutridos in different meetings and congresses at national and international level.