ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU
Another way of learning, collaborating and conducting research across professional disciplines and countries.

On a sunny October day in Copenhagen, Denmark, we finally managed to get started with the physical meetings in Nordic Nutrition Academy (NNA), which we have been postponed due to COVID.

NNA is an education program for doctors, nurses and dietitians from the Nordic countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, who are interested in disease-related malnutrition. The goal is to increase skills in nutrition issues within health care and research, create networks between experienced and less experienced clinicians/researchers, and integrate clinical work with nutrition research for the future.

NNA is arranged in an inspired collaboration between an experienced interdisciplinary team of Nordic nutrition researchers and Clinicians, national PEN-societies for clinical nutrition and Baxter and Nestlé Health Science.

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Invitation to the course

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Well-proven concept

After two former successful courses, NNA is now a well-proven concept, and today 26 energetic younger dietitians, nurses and doctors turned up for the first two-day physical meeting. The course runs for 2½ years, with five physical meetings and a research program going on in and between meetings. Participants are a very inspiring mix of novice researchers, clinicians, PhD-students and those already PhD´s.


For me personally, the former associated program “Scandinavian Nutrition Academy” started my nutrition research career.

Maybe others can be inspired to make something like this course in other countries

Mette Holst Main contact Denmark

Head of Clinical Nutrition Research, Aalborg University Hospital, editor for this homepage and spokesperson for the collaboration between DSKE, ONCA-Denmark and ONCA.

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