ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

Frank de Man, ENHA

Traditionally, on the Monday of the yearly ESPEN Congress, ESPEN, the European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) and the MNI industry group organize a plenary session regarding new developments in the implementation of nutritional screening and nutritional care delivery. This year’s session focused on the collaboration with the European Patient Forum. EPF Executive Director Nicola Bedlington confirmed EPF’s commitment to the ONCA campaign and presented the EPF key objectives for the upcoming years:

  • Consider nutrition an essential component in disease management for patients
  • Include patients as active and equal partners in shared decision-making concerning nutrition
  • Involve patients early and in a meaningful way in clinical guidelines and lay version summaries
  • Aim for EU legislation related to information to patients on food and nutrition.

Nicola Bedlington, EPF

In his introduction of Nicola Bedlington, ENHA executive director Frank de Man emphasized the relevance of the EPF commitment to the ONCA campaign and encouraged delegates to use the good practices for education and training. Good practices are collected from across Europe and distributed at the Optimal Nutritional Care for All website

Tim Meyerhoff, MNI chair, presented the MNI Award 2018 to Spain for their excellent work in implementing ONCA across the Spanish regions.

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