ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU


Screenshot of the forum

In response to a request from Israel and other members, we launched the ONCA-community Forum to discuss Nutrition & COVID-19 in real-time within the ONCA community and beyond.
Although it’s first and foremost a place for discussion and exchange between HCPs, patients and others, it has proven to be a place for organisations to publish their information on COVID and nutrition.



The forum generated almost 5000 page views within three weeks. Please don’t hesitate to contribute. You can quickly REGISTER TO THE FORUM now with your email or directly with your Twitter account.

Pageviews April 6 - April 30 2020

Online dissemination

ONCA promotes the forum and its content via its online channels Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to reach as many people as we possibly can. Subsequently, the ONCA social community has been sharing this content with its peers.


To spread the word of the Forum: please simply share this page within your organisations and with your peers!.

You can help in just one click