European Commission's HPP Annual Meeting

Presentation Whitepaper Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care

Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care: A joint approach to policy and practice

Equitable access to nutrition and nutritional care as an integral part of comprehensive care for all cancer patients with a focus on ageing patients, is a key condition to reduce complications and comorbidity, maintaining optimal health and quality of life.

Nutrition should therefore become an integral part of European and national guidelines and policies for high-quality cancer care. However, nutrition being organized horizontally within healthcare, this requires a wide range of stakeholders to be involved and managed.

The aim of this webinar is to co-create a joint, translational approach to nutritional care policies. By having science and policy go hand in hand we can implement cost-effective measures that benefit the lives of European patients with cancer.

Being the pitch-winner in June ’21, the EU Health Policy Platform thematic network “Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care” led by the European Nutrition Health Alliance and various stakeholders, aims to make the case for  why integrating Nutrition in National Cancer Care Plans and European Policies is crucial for patients.



  • With over 2.7 million new cancer cases diagnosed each year in Europe, how can we ensure access to optimal nutritional care for all, rather than the lucky few?
  • Malnutrition remains the single most common complication in cancer, yet many gaps and barriers remain that cause patients to suffer avoidable complications and poorer than anticipated outcomes.
  • ESPEN has already produced practical clinical guidelines on how to deliver nutritional care, but what more is needed to make it happen in practice?




Past event:

Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care: A joint approach to policy and practice

Watch the January 20 2022 webinar on demand

Video URL:

Day 1

Day 1 Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care: A joint approach to policy and practice

Opening and setting the scene
Olle Ljungqvist
Chair European Nutrition for Health Alliance
Joost Wesseling
Executive Director European Nutrition for Health Alliance
If patients are devoid of nutrition therapy and advice
Robert Greene
Board Member European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC), President HungerNdThirst Foundation
The impact of nutrition on cancer treatments and patient’s lives
Prof Alessandro Laviano, MD
Associate professor of Internal Medicine Sapienza University of Rome, Director ESPEN LLL programme in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
What does a Comprehensive Cancer Centre need to deliver optimal nutritional care?
Dr.rer.biol.hum. Nicole Erickson, RD
Nutrition and Research Coordinator Oncology Dietetics, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich, EFAD European Specialist Dietetic Networks for Oncology
Nutritional care within the national cancer plans. What will it take?
Erin Stella Sullivan RD PhD
Research Dietitian (Oncology) & IRC EPS Postdoctoral Fellow at University College Cork, Ireland. Member of the IrSPEN Working Group.
Stakeholder cooperation under Europe's Beating Cancer Plan
Stefan Craenen
Policy Officer Europe's beating cancer plan Taskforce, DG SANTE, European Commission
Opportunities and mechanisms to translate nutritional care within Europe’s Beating Cancer plan into patient benefit in the region
John F Ryan
Director Public Health, DG SANTE, European Commission
Expert Roundtable: What are key ingredients and opportunities to develop and implement evidence based nutritional care policy
Q & A


  • John F. Ryan

    Director Public Health, DG SANTE, European Commission
  • Nicole Erickson MSc, RD

    Nutrition and Research Coordinator Oncology Dietetics, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich
  • Alessandro Laviano

    Associate professor of Internal Medicine Sapienza University of Rome
  • Robert Greene

    Board Member European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC), President HungerNdThirst Foundation
  • Erin Stella Sullivan RD PhD

    Research Dietitian (Oncology) & IRC EPS Postdoctoral Fellow at University College Cork, Ireland. Member of the IrSPEN Working Group.
  • Stefan Craenen

    Policy Officer Europe's beating cancer plan Taskforce, DG Santé, European Commission





PDF Download

Thematic Network Pitch

214.28 KB

PDF Download

7 Recommendations for the implementation of optimal nutritional cancer care at EU member state level.

1.92 MB


Video URL: