ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

The Spanish Malnutrition Awareness Week

23-27 November 2020

The Spanish Malnutrition Awareness Week 2020 (#SDLD2020) has been a true success with a broad range of stakeholders involved, a well-attended webinar and an active and impactful PR campaign.

Objectives of the malnutrition week 2020

Two objectives were set for the celebration of #SDLD2020.

  1. To raise awareness and increase the visibility of the importance of disease-related malnutrition (DRM) among patients, health professionals, and public administration
  2. To share the activities run by másnutridos Alliance on this field and increase its visibility.


Másnutridos Alliance is made up of 14 member entities which have participated in the DRM Week.

  • Spanish Association of Surgeons.
  • Spanish Association of Hospital Hospitality.
  • General Council of the Official Associations of Pharmacists.
  • General Nursing Council.
  • Spanish Group of Multimodal Rehabilitation
  • Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition
  • Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Spanish Society of Pediatrics Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
  • Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians.
  • Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine.
  • Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.
  • Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology.
  • Spanish Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
  • Abbott Foundation.



Malnutrition week activities

Webinar: Key Challenges of Disease-Related Malnutrition

The Webinar was held on November 26th and was attended by the General Director of Social and Healthcare Coordination of the Regional Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, as a representative of the healthcare administration. The situation of  DRM in Spain, the vision from Europe, the vision of the patient and the role of the Alliance in healthcare policy, among other topics, were discussed.


Speakers Webinar: Key Challenges of Disease-Related Malnutrition

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXldKxPESDQ


Social media campaign and update of the Alliance’s website

During November 23rd-27th, contents about DRM have been shared from the profile of @SDLD2020. An informative document on the campaign was prepared and sent to patient associations, colleges of dieticians and nutritionists and the regional societies concerned with nutrition.

Website: Twitter campaign and Webinar information has been updated


Results of the campaign

  • Nº Registered to the Webinar: 369
  • Nº of attendees: 213
  • Nº of vieuws of the Webinar On demand: 104
Twitter campaign
  • Nº of Tweets: 48
  • Tweets Impressions: 26.500
  • Visits to the profile #SDLD2020: 2.217
Press release
  • Impact in the press: 9
    Specialized media in health: El médico interactivo, infosalus, redacción médica y medicina TV
    Generalist media: siglo XXI, restauración colectiva, crónica de Cantabria y Bolsamanía.
  • Audience: 450.000


PDF Download

Press impact of the campaign

352.76 KB


Activities planned for 2021

The implementation of #SDLD2021 has been already planned within the activities of másnutridos Alliance.
We would like to continue developing the same type of activities, however, by planning them in advance, it will be possible to prepare informative documentation and videos that reinforce the campaign.



Miguel Angel Martinez Olmos Communication Coordinator Spain

Contact Miguel for inquiries on Spanish campaign activities and for publishing of your Good Practice on this website.

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