ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

Hungarian ONCA Alliance Launch

The Hungarian ONCA Alliance official launch

The upcoming congress will be a special occasion as it marks the official launch of the Hungarian ONCA Alliance, recognizing and celebrating the strong and enduring partnership between ONCA and EFAD. Hungary will become the 20th country to join the ONCA campaign, and the event’s location in the vibrant capital city of Budapest adds to the significance and honour of this momentous occasion.

In the spirit of collaboration, ONCA member countries provide mutual support to one another, working together to enhance nutritional care and screening both within their respective nations and across Europe. By sharing best practices, ideas, and innovations, they collectively contribute to the improvement of healthcare and nutrition standards on the continent.

The 14th EFAD Congress

Scheduled from the 12th to the 14th of October 2023 in Budapest, Hungary, EFAD is organizing its 14th Congress themed “Dietetic care, a human right: moving forward into a new era.”

This congress is set to bring together over 450 European dietitians hailing from 30 countries across the continent, presenting an exceptional opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaborative learning among all participants. Over the years, EFAD has remained steadfast in its commitment to advocate for the dietetic workforce and advance the field of nutrition and dietetics on a global scale. Their close partnerships with esteemed organizations like the WHO and other key stakeholders have been instrumental in achieving these objectives.