MAW 2024 Malnutrition Awareness Weeks 2024

Special interest group Nutrition Economics within ISPOR

In 2007 two Dutch nutritionists (affiliated to Maastricht and Utrecht University) initiated a new area within the field of health economics that has been officially defined as such in a publication of 2011.

Together with 2 Dutch health economists (one affiliated to Maastricht University and the other is consultant) they have started a Special Interest Group (SIG) Nutrition Economics that got officially acknowledged by the International Society for Pharmaeconomics and Research Outcomes (ISPOR) as the first international group with a focus on nutrition in this pharma world.

This SIG has already more than 150 members from around the world and will publish its 2nd publication in Q4 this year.

This SIG opened doors that otherwise would stay closed by showing the added value of optimal nutrition care from an economic perspective. Examples are collaboration of the SIGs chair (Maastricht University) with a new Dutch GP organization “GP and Nutrition”, being invited by several Dutch but also international organizations to give lectures/presentations on Nutrition Economics.


Dr Karen Freijer PhD –

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