ENHA EU Manifesto: A Manifesto for Health Equity in the EU

Continuity of nutrition care: the power of concerted efforts against malnutrition

In June 2023, the Netherlands hosted the international Optimal Nutritional Care for All ONCA conference “Continuity of nutrition care: the power of concerted efforts against malnutrition”.
Renowned experts in nutritional care, patient organisations, and policymakers met in Amsterdam to address inequalities in nutritional care, identifying and tackling barriers and sharing achievements and good practices on the implementation of optimal nutritional care in policy and practice.
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Optimal Nutritional Care for All

Launched in 2014, the Optimal Nutritional Care for All (ONCA) campaign is a multi-stakeholder initiative to facilitate greater screening for risk of disease-related malnutrition/undernutrition and nutritional care implementation across Europe.
The campaign supports national professional societies, associations and patient groups in public health and health care in 19 countries to implement nutritional risk screening and optimal nutritional care. The European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) provides structure, coordinates, inspires and facilitates.


Through the EU4Nutrition programme, ENHA and ONCA engage with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, to secure nutrition care in European Union’s policies, and programmes and in the recommendations to its Member States.

Continuity of nutrition care: the power of concerted efforts against malnutrition

Malnutrition and undernutrition affect over 30 Million European citizens and place an unacceptable burden on European citizens and health care budgets.

Integrating patient-centered nutritional care in health policies will significantly contribute to prevention, better patient outcomes, and improved quality of life. Moreover, ample scientific evidence shows that optimizing nutritional care is a very (cost-) effective measure.

Despite this overwhelming scientific evidence, malnutrition is often underdiagnosed and undertreated, causing unacceptable inequalities between people and countries.

Optimal nutritional care must be considered a human right and patients should have equitable, timely access to the nutritional care needed to achieve their best possible outcome. The overall aim of the conference is to provide tools and background to implement nutritional care plans for all citizens, whether at home or in a health care facility.

Day 1 of the ONCA Conference and the pre-conference patient session, took place in the historic church Zuiderkerk, which has been converted to a stylish conference venue.

Day 2 took place at the Inntel Hotel Amsterdam Landmark. The hotel’s character was inspired by the area’s industrial past.

The Conference Programme

Please find the programme for days 1 and 2 below

Day 1
Day 2

Day 1 Continuity of nutrition care: the power of concerted efforts against malnutrition

09:00 - 10:30
Pre-conference ONCA Patient Involvement Session

Zuiderkerk Amsterdam

10:00 - 10:45
Registrations & coffee

Zuiderkerk Amsterdam

11:00 - 11:15
Opening by the Chairs
Olle Ljungqvist
Chairman European Nutrition for Health Alliance
Mireille Serlie
Chair of NESPEN, Dutch Society for Clinical Nutrition
11:15 – 13:00 Session 1
Continuity of nutrition care: the power of concerted efforts against malnutrition
Setting the scene

Nutrition science and policy at a glance
Marian de van der Schueren, The Netherlands

A pan-European approach to nutrition economic research
Mark Nuijten, The Netherlands

The role of patient advocacy in the European debate
Manuel Arellano
European Patients' Forum, Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes (POP)
Creating European awareness of the role of nutrition care in geriatrics: an inventory of successful initiatives
Marjolein Visser
Primary care and nutrition: how can the European Union help?
Maria van den Muijsenbergh
President, European Forum for Primary Care
Panel debate
What are actionable recommendations to improve the continuity of nutritional care in our health systems?

Panellists: Annemieke van Ginkel-Res, EFAD; Rocco Barazzoni, ESPEN; Maria van den Muijsenbergh, European Forum for Primary Care; Marjolein Visser, EuGMS & Manuel Arellano, EPF


Robert Greene
Global Oncology Patient Advisory Board
Arthur van Zanten
13:00 - 14:00
Optimal Lunch for All
14:00 - 14:45 Session 2
Supporting the implementation of European policies and guidelines

Good practices


Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Integrated Nutrition Cancer Care: drivers for successful local implementation
Alessandro Laviano
Italy/ Representative of the European Union’s INC2 Thematic Network
Targeting Malnutrition: from Awareness to Control
Maarten Soeters
Dutch Malnutrition Knowledge Center
How can we utilize ESPEN nutritionDay data to advocate for better nutritional care throughout Europe?
Michael Hiesmayr
14:45 - 15:30
Network coffee break & photo
15:30 - 16:15 Session 3
The future of continuity of nutritional care: how to set up for success?
Optimizing collaboration between primary care, hospitals and care homes. Nurses connecting the dots.
Bianca Buurman
The Netherlands
From education to implementation; investment in the future.
Maurizio Muscaritoli
A Matter of Taste
Gerda Pot
Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance
16:15- 16:30
Closing by the chairs
16.30 - 17:30
Leisure activity
19:00 – 22:00

Day 2 ONCA: Exchanging Good Practices to implement better nutrition care


Inntel Hotel Amsterdam Landmark

7:00 – 7:45
Amsterdam Sunrise Run & Walk
8:45 – 10:00 Interactive break-out workshops 
Getting things done in Nutritional Care - Round #1

A. Implementing GLIM: where are we and where are we going?

B. Advancing your local ONCA campaign: engaging decision-makers in your Malnutrition Awareness Week

C. The key to successful implementation of nutrition in education 

10:00- 10:30
Network Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:45 Interactive break-out workshops 
Getting things done in Nutritional Care - Round #2

A. Prehabilitation can enhance recovery after surgery 

B. Health indicators: a multilevel approach to malnutrition coding

C. Flavors of the world; supporting patients throughout Europe: a powerful awareness tool

11:45 - 12:30
Early Optimal Lunch for All
12:30 – 13:25
Actions on ONCA

30’ 6 x 5’ workshop conclusions and next steps
Workshop leaders

Reporting of the ONCA pre-conference patient session
Marek Lichota

Update on the Optimal Nutritional Care for All campaign
Joost Wesseling, ENHA

13:25 – 14:10
Deep dive: the future of nutritional care
Protein transition: future world or fantasy land?
Peter Weijs
The Netherlands
The future of nutritional care
Harriet Jager
The collision of two epidemics: sarcopenic obesity
Lorenzo Donini
14:10- 14:20
Closing & farewell




Download the programme

PDF Download

Programme ONCA Conference 2023 Amsterdam

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